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Thrive: Series for Survivors of sexual Trauma

  • 2Steps


As Susanna Barkataki writes, “Yoga is a science of trauma healing.” Yoga invites us to tune into the emotions held within our body through movement and breath, helping us to connect mind, body, and spirit. In Thrive we will use flowing movement to find embodiment, empowerment, and play to honor all that we are in the present moment regardless of our trauma. This series is open to all Survivors of sexual trauma. Each week will focus on a different Survivor Strength, inspired by Yogic Philosophy, while exploring some practical tools to add to your stress-management toolkit and releasing tension from the body. Each video will start with a grounding exercise and guided meditation followed by an hour long yoga āsana (postures and movement) session. Every session will include prompts for you to reflect on the individual topics. Class 1: Honoring Your Boundaries (Bramacharya) Class 2: Grounding/ Peace in the Present Moment (Santosha) Class 3: Self-Love (Ahimsa) Class 4: Acknowledgement and Letting Go (Svadhyaya and Aparigraha) Class 5: Resilience (Tapas) Class 6: Self Expression (Satya) Class 7: Celebration of Self (Asteya and Saucha) Class 8: Celebration of Community (Isvara Pranidhana)

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