Tuesdays 5:30am - 7:30pm 50 Arrow Gallery
Available spots
Service Description
Each week will offer an hour long yoga session which will include meditation, pranayama (breathing practices), and asana (movement) to cultivate embodiment, empowerment, and playfulness, allowing you to release tension from your body and embrace the fullness of your being in the present moment, irrespective of past traumas. Prior to each class, we will have a check-in to create a nurturing space built on safety, trust, and individual choice. As the session draws to a close, you'll have the opportunity for reflection, fostering connection among participants as you share your experiences. Uncover the profound transformative potential of yoga while reconnecting with your true self. Class 1: Grounding/ Peace in the Present Moment (Santosha) Class 2: Honoring Your Boundaries (Bramacharya) Class 3: Self-Love (Ahimsa) Class 4: Acknowledgement and Letting Go (Svadhyaya and Aparigraha) Class 5: Perseverance (Tapas) Class 6: Self Expression (Satya) Class 7: Celebration of Self (Asteya and Saucha) Class 8: Celebration of Community (Isvara Pranidhana)
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Class Cancellations Periodically, class cancellations do occur for planned or unforeseen circumstances. If you have pre-registered for a class or workshop that is later cancelled, you will be notified using the email address we have in the scheduling system as soon as possible. When Angelica cancels, class credit is offered for a future class. Participant Class Cancellation or “No-Show” If you cancel in advance of 4 hours before class start time, your class credit will be available for use for a future class. Please cancel your class registration as soon as you know you will not be able to make it. If you cancel less that 4 hours before class start = “late cancel,” or are marked “no-show,” one class credit will be deducted from your account. You may “late cancel” your class yourself by logging into your account. The class credit will be deducted, but this will free up a class space for someone else to attend the class. If you late-cancel, you can request that a friend or relative attend the class using your credit if you can arrange that.
Contact Details
Easthampton, MA, USA