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National Flower

There is no hierarchy of pain, if you have ever experienced any form of sexual trauma,

you belong here.

Tropical Storm

Feeling emotionally distressed

You’re facing a tough time with your emotions, feeling like a storm inside after surviving sexual violence. It’s tough to find a way to express what you’re going through even after all this time has passed. As your Yoga Coach, I offer a gentle way for you to deal with these emotions. Think of it like a safe space where you can explore and share without saying a word. Trauma-informed yoga becomes a special tool to help you find strength in vulnerability, turning the storm inside into a calming breeze. With every breath, we untangle the knots of emotional distress, creating a path towards peace and strength that’s just for you. Together, let’s navigate this journey of healing using the language of the body.

Bridge Construction

Experiencing physical disconnect

You’re feeling like there’s a disconnect between you and your own body, as though your body is a place you don't fully inhabit. As your coach, I will show you how trauma-informed yoga becomes a bridge to reconnect with yourself. In our sessions, we gently guide your body through movements that honor your unique journey, slowly breaking down the barriers built by trauma. It’s a process where you learn to listen to your body, feel its strength, and reclaim a sense of safety within. With each yoga shape, we work together to dissolve the tension and rebuild a connection. Let’s turn your body into a sanctuary rather than a battleground, and rediscover harmony between your body and spirit.

Man in sweatshirt on beach

Combating alienation and isolation

You’re feeling really alone and separate after surviving sexual violence. It’s like there’s a big wall keeping you away from others. But you’re not alone! As your Yoga Coach, I will help you find a way to connect just the way yoga helped me to connect. This is your opportunity to reconnect so that you don’t face further alienation. In our sessions, surrounded by support, you discover a group that gets what you’re going through without needing words. The more you practice, the more your community will strengthen. With every yoga shape, we build a foundation for renewed sense of belonging, turning loneliness into a bridge where healing and connection can begin. Let’s get on this journey together.

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    2 hr

    From 25 US dollars

Thrive is Mitra's first in-depth survivor offering.
It is an 8-week series for Survivors of sexual trauma.


Thrive is an opportunity to celebrate you, the hero of your story, the Survivor.  



Each session will offer an hour long yoga session which will include meditation, pranayama (breathing practices), and asana (movement) to cultivate embodiment, empowerment, and playfulness, allowing you to release tension from your body and embrace the fullness of your being in the present moment, irrespective of past traumas.


Prior to each class, we will have a check-in to create a nurturing space built on safety, trust, and individual choice. As the session draws to a close, you'll have the opportunity for creative expression and reflection, fostering connection among participants as you share your experiences.


Uncover the profound transformative potential of yoga while reconnecting with your true self.


This series is open to all Survivors of sexual trauma, regardless of gender identity. 

Stay tuned for affinity groups!

You will never be asked to share details of your trauma during these meetings.

Each week will focus on a different Survivor Strength inspired by Yogic Philosophy:

Class 1: Honoring Your Boundaries (Bramacharya)

Class 2: Grounding/ Peace in the Present Moment (Santosha)

Class 3: Self-Love (Ahimsa)

Class 4: Acknowledgement and Letting Go (Svadhyaya and Aparigraha)

Class 5: Perseverance (Tapas)

Class 6: Self Expression (Satya)

Class 7: Celebration of Self (Asteya and Saucha)

Class 8: Celebration of Community (Isvara Pranidhana)

Thrive On-Demand is Now Available!

Discover your inner strengths at your own pace with this self-guided series. You'll also get a 30 minute 1:1 session with me via zoom and exclusive access to the Thrive Forum for connecting with fellow participants.

All this for just $160! Plus, $10 from each purchase goes to 50 Arrow Gallery who generously provided their space for these recordings.


Thrive Monthly begins this April!


It is a once-monthly workshop for folks who have completed the 8-week Survivor series! 


Image by Natalie Pedigo

Thrive Monthly is a once-monthly workshop open to anyone who has attended a Thrive series in the past. Each month we will engage in an enlightening 2-hour workshop, where we will delve into various themes surrounding trauma survivorship, drawing inspiration from insightful readings and you!  I invite you to join me on this profound exploration of the mind and body.


 Similar to the Thrive series, at the beginning of every workshop we will commence with a heartfelt check-in, fostering a sense of community as we collaboratively contribute to the guidelines. Together, we will embark on a grounding practice, incorporating breathwork (pranayama) to center ourselves. Following this, we will embrace movement (asana) to further connect with our inner selves. A brief guided meditation will then allow us to deepen our understanding and experiences.


As we approach the end of our time together, I will provide prompts for reflection and journaling, empowering you to explore your thoughts and emotions. Participation in sharing is also encouraged, should you feel comfortable doing so. Thrive Monthly promises to be an empowering and supportive space for your healing journey. Don't miss this opportunity to grow and thrive amidst like-minded individuals.

Thanks for subscribing!


Sign up below to receive notifications for upcoming Thrive offerings.

We will always handle your information with care, and never share or sell with anyone.


The Yama & Niyama were introduced in the Yoga Sutras written by Patanjali in 2nd century BCE. They are ethical guidelines that help us continue our practice off of the mat. Below I will list the Sanskrit name and its traditional meaning as well as our interpretation for the purposes of this series. Unless otherwise mentioned, the definitions by which we will be viewing these principles were written by Dr. Gail Parker in her book Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Stress and Trauma:


The Yama traditionally help guide how we relate to others

Ahimsa - Non-harming

“It means leading a life that does not harm other living beings, including one’s self. This is not limited to physical harm, but includes harmful thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions as well. Starting with self is important because we cannot treat others any better than we treat ourselves. This means that in order to develop loving relationships with others, self-love must become part of our consciousness and our practice. It means we must be committed to doing no harm to ourselves by refraining from thinking negatively of ourselves, including calling ourselves names in frustration or anger. It means letting go of shame, blame, and criticism of ourselves…It means treating ourselves with respect, kindness, and compassion, and making peace with ourselves in order to make peace with others and the world at large.”


Satya - Truthfulness

“Being truthful with one’s self starts by being open to the truth of your own being. What that means is being willing to know who you are and to be who you are… You cannot be someone else better than you can be yourself.”


Asteya - Non-stealing 

Susanna Barkataki defines this as a sense of abundance that gives rise to confidence that you have everything you need right here, inside of yourself. 


Brahmacharya - Conservation of energy

This is a reminder that all energy is sacred and it should be cherished. It means managing your energy so that you can be fully present for yourself and others. It means setting and honoring boundaries while respecting those of others.


Aparigraha - Non-grasping / Accepting Change

“Accepting life on its own terms instead of holding onto the way we want life to be, moment to moment, means letting go of what was, and accepting what is occurring in the moment. It doesn’t mean we won’t be disappointed, or sad, angry, resistant, or even afraid sometimes when change is required. Those feelings are normal and natural. But it means releasing what was and looking to the future with excitement and the anticipation of possibilities and opportunities for growth as well.”


The Niyama traditionally help guide our relationship with ourselves

Saucha - Purity

“Saucha might reveal itself in your life in many ways. You might be purifying your relationships - maybe letting go of some toxic people… You might be purifying your body by ridding it of toxic substances and releasing toxic behaviors… You might be purifying your mind of thoughts of hatred, jealousy, hostility, negativity, revenge. You might be  purifying your environment by letting go of items that no longer serve or have a place in your life.”


Santosha - Contentment

“Practices of gratitude and appreciation lead to contentment. The more content you are with what you have, the more joyful and happy you become. When we are content, we are free from the suffering that comes from a sense of lack, and we become more aware of the abundance that surrounds us. We begin to feel full in our being, so we no longer have to rely on externals for a sense of completeness.”


Tapas - B.K.S. Iyengar defined Tapas as “The burning effort under all circumstances to achieve a definite goal in life.”

“It is the part of you that just keeps you showing up on your yoga mat, your meditation cushion, in your truth, in your compassion, in your wisdom, because you’ve made a commitment to remain true to your heart’s deepest desire to do so…”


Svadhyaya - Self Study

"I explore myself and know through understanding myself that I come to understand all… I observe my actions and inquire within with curiosity and non-judgement." - Susanna Barkataki


Ishvara Pranidhana - Devotion to your higher power

“It invites us to let go of our attachment to the mind as our sole authority and to open to spirit as our guide… It does not mean giving up our personal identity; rather, it means devoting ourselves to stepping into love as our true identity.”

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